Many Kinds of Tattoo in The World

Many tattoo artists that exist with the results of his work. "I along with colleagues, want to mlebih memasyarakatkan tattoo art sebagari sebuar" said tattoo artist in Bandung, Yusepthia Soewardi.

To achieve results that perfect image, the familiar man in sapa-Kent Kent is not half-hearted use of ink Intenze product for Austria tattonya. Unlike the usual ink, ink Intenze reputedly contain antibiotics that can prevent skin cancer, in addition to the various color choices for 53 different colors. This also boosted the benefits of tatto machine message that he's deliberately United States. Can be ascertained, the picture becomes more good and perfect.

Although initially Kent-Kent Penah menggeluti 'prison tattoo "penggarapannya done in the home, later Kent-Kent change negative image of the tattoo with the rules for the process of tattonya. For example, with a selection of tattoo patterns tailored to the client's skin color, until the stage of health care start of use of plastic gloves, to gasterilisasi on media tattoo with alcohol use.
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It's a cat! With shark teeth! Or maybe it's a bear?
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If anyone has any idea what the story behind these tattoos is, I would LOVE to know!

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My favorite thing in the entire world!

Zombie Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Ryan, your tattoo is truly amazing!

Click here for more amazing zombie jesus tattoos
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Cowboygirl up!

This gem was submitted by a reader. It's actually not that bad... technically it's good, and I get the funny "cowboy up" twist on phrasing. The floating hat is a little weird, but I've seen a million worse tattoos. It did get me into searching for some cowboy tattoos though, and look what I found!

Same artist or inspiration? I kind of like it...

However, there are some truly terrible cowboy tattoos out there, which I am happy to share with you.

I love his tiny feet! They're so dainty!

This poor cowboy only has one foot.

And this is from the anime series Cowboy Bebop, so it's a different kind of cowboy... but it's so terrible I had to share.
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Freaky Facettoo Fails

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Kat Von D

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tattoo artist

Just like in any other artistic genres like fashion and painting, do you see tattoo trends evolve out of different time periods?
I’ve traveled a lot, and I’ve seen trends come and go because of time, but also because of location. People in Europe generally have a different taste than people in Asia or the US, but the motivation behind getting tattooed is the same everywhere. People will get their boyfriend or girlfriend’s name tattooed on them, but each place has it’s own preference of how it’s executed. Europeans will get a lot of black and grey– soft and really flowing. In Japan, they prefer designs that are very hard, crisp, and colorful.

Do you ever get invested in someone else’s tattoo while you were working on it?
Tattooing can be pretty exhausting emotionally. You have your hands on someone and there is an intense exchange. After you tattoo someone a few times, you’re friends. You can’t help but sympathize or connect with them. I connect emotionally with a lot of my clients, which can be good and bad. There are people I met that I’ll love until the day I die, whereas there are other people that I poured my heart into and realize after that they’re dicks.

The fashion world seems to have adopted you as their tattoo artist of choice. What are some of the memorable pieces you’ve done for fashion figures?
I am embraced by the fashion world because art and fashion have kind of blurred. Marc Jacobs is probably the biggest name I tattoo regularly, and he’s been a huge inspiration. I’ve learned a lot about art through him. Dash Snow is one of the first people I met when I moved to New York, and in getting set up here, he opened my eyes into how big New York can be. I’ve tattooed half that kid’s body. I did a huge “Beast of Burden” written across his shoulder and an eagle carrying off a little girl on his forearm. I’ve done Olivier Zahm, of Purple Magazine, and all the European guys. I did a series with a bunch of famous characters wearing 3-D glasses. Marc Jacobs got Elizabeth Taylor, and Jake Sumner got Frankenstein.

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